art gallery drawings, patriotic, portraits

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy art


Pencil Portrait of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy


For me President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a hero for all, but especially for his people during the terrible and unwarranted Russian attack on Ukraine. As an artist, I am drawn to finding the face of those whom I admire with my pencil. It’s a way of looking into their eyes and seeing their strength. Then the challenge is to capture that strength. It is an honor to look into their eyes and sometimes I feel they are speaking to me. That’s when I put down the pencil. But most of all I wish to honor their heroism in my own small way. President Zelenskyy has surprised the world with his strength of character and I hope that my art has honored that.

Slava Ukraine President Zelenskyy
Ukraine Standing Strong, oil painting.

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